
Post 69 - Duran y Gallegos





The American Legion Riders

Happy August American Legion Family! Now
that convention is over we can get down to
business and continue the good work that we
do for all of our Veterans. The riders were at
the Walmart in Bernalillo raising funds for the
Operation Wounded Warrior Project. The
Riders will be back at the Walmart on August
3rd for the Annual State OWW Fund Raiser. If
you happen to be in the area come by and say
hello. We are hoping to break last year’s
fund-raising efforts.

I would like to thank all the Riders who voted
for me at the State ALR Meeting and reelected
me as the State VP. OOHH RAHH!!

The Riders received approval from the Executive
Board to go to the State of New Mexico
Department of Transportation and obtain the
rights to adopt a highway. We are requesting
Alameda from 4th. As we receive more
information I will pass it on.

The Riders are planning a dance at the post so
keep your eyes open and ear to the ground as
we prepare to dance to the oldies.
Veterans Helping Veterans

Raymond Gonzales
President Chapter 10
State Vice President