Check out our February Newletter and Events calendar for the latest events coming soon!
*Attention Legionnaires*
From The Commander’s Desk: Summer is in full swing and the temperatures are on the rise. Please remember that if you are going to be outside to stay hydrated and try to be in the shade. We have been working on the air conditioners at the Post, but with the humidity, we are experiencing sometimes they don't work as good as we would all like for them to. I would like to thank Eddie Padilla and Phil Baca for working, in the heat, to get some cool air in the Post! On a somber note, the Post lost a long-time SAL member when George Tafoya passed away. George was a long-time Bartender, SAL member, and was always there to help out without being asked! George will be missed! Post condolences go out to the Tafoya Family in this time of mourning. The Post is coming along very well! Our membership hit over 100% for 2024 and we now have the 2025 cards in the office. This past weekend a few of your Post Officers were at Department [State] Convention in Roswell, NM! I would like to report that our Immediate Past Post Commander Dee-Dee Chapman was elected as Vice-Commander, Area 5, at these meetings. Good luck Dee-Dee! Please don't forget that we still have Karaoke on Sunday nights, Taco Tuesdays, and food and entertainment on Friday! Please come out and support your Post! Until Next Month, David Stevens Post Commander
On January 5th 2024, the American Legion Post 69 put up a brand new marquee in the front of the building replacing the old sign that was not safe for our members to be updating. Funding for this new sign comes from a collaboration between the Sons of the American Legion and Legion. It is a welcome addition to the property giving the Post a modern look and is convenient and safe to update.
The new Marquee looks incredible out in front!
Here are some photos from our New Year's Eve 2023 Party! Be sure to come out to the upcoming Matanza on February 10 and call Post 69 at 505-890-5343 for further details on any of our upcoming events or to reserve the hall for special occasions!
Post 69 was fortunate to have a visit from our National Commander Jim Troiola in early 2023. Commander Troiola was kind enough to spend time with our Post leadership, staff and guests providing his insights. Our Post Commander Dee Dee Chapman presented Commander Troiola with some items unique to our Post and our area. We appreciate his visit and welcome him back in the future. Here are some photos of the event: